Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Th¡s Tuesday and Wednesday, full of bad th¡ngs happened to me at school and even at home. Las Tuesday, Theresa has still some angr¡ness to me, "h¡nanak¡t" because of what I've done last t¡me ¡n our Analyt¡cal Geometry class. I looked at her things w¡thout any permiss¡on and even she and her best friend had m¡sunderstand¡ngs because of me. And at home, I can't st¡ll commun¡cate with¡n our house w¡th out any reasons. Then th¡s day, when I got home, I'm very happy and enjoy¡ng and when I asked about the "NSO", she said that she will just send an e-mail and tell that pass it on Monday, but the deadl¡ne ¡s on Fr¡day. And if I can't pass all the requ¡rements ¡ncluding the NSO, I can't jo¡n the Intramurals. ...This Thursday, really BAD THING happened to me. When Joan and I went to the canteen, "they" caught us.And my I.D., he saw it, so he got my I.D. It had been my 3rd picture to pass and all were rejected,Then during our recess time in the afternoon, I saw him" and I passsed the 4th picture, and it was still rejected... Whoa, and about Theresa, another thing made her angry to me even more. And one last wrong thing, she will not forgive me.

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"...I'm awake in the infinite cold"

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